flat feet

The Most Effective Exercises For Flat Feet

While when you look at people around you, you may not notice, but the truth is that our feet are not all the same. 

The reality is that there are mainly three different types of feet depending on the arches, which is the area between the ball of your foot and the heel. According to this definition, you may have low arches, normal arches or high arches. 


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Looking at the world population, there is an estimative that about 60% of people have normal arches, about 20% of people have low arches, and the last 20% of people have high arches. 

In case you don’t know what an arch is, just take a closer look at your own foot. By looking at it from the inside, you will see your arch which is the upward curve in the middle. 

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When you have a flat foot, you may not even notice your arch since it will be extremely close to the ground. 

What Causes Flat Feet?

The reality is that there isn’t just one cause for suffering from flat feet. In fact, these can b caused by different factors that include:


– inborn abnormalities

– pregnancy

– stretched or torn tendons

– diabetes

– nerve issues

– broken or dislocated bones

– aging

– obesity

– inflamed or damaged posterior tibial tendon

– some health issues such as rheumatoid arthritis

Looking for the top cross training shoes for flat feet?

Potential Problems Of Flat Feet

When you suffer from flat feet, you are more prone to certain foot problems. These include:

– posterior tibial tendonitis

– overpronation

– medial knee issues

– heel spurs

– bunions

– plantar fasciitis

The Most Effective Exercises For Flat Feet

One of the things that you need to know and understand is that just because you have flat feet this doesn’t mean that you need a specific treatment. However, there are some exercises for flat feet that you can do at home.  

#1: Towel Curls:


These exercises for flat feet are perfect to build strong foot muscles. All you need to do is to place a towel on the floor. Then, just sit at one end of the towel and scrunch it towards you with your toes. Only using your toes, you should now push the towel away. 

You should do 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps. 

These are the best cross training shoes for flat feet for men and women.

#2: Calf Raises: 


These exercises for flat feet tend to work very well not only to strengthen your calves as they also work to strengthen other muscles as well as connective tissues in your feet and arches. 

In order to do this exercise, you need to place the balls of your feet on a thick surface. However, you should let your heel touch the floor. Then, slowly raise your heels off the floor and pause at the top. Return to the initial position slowly. 

You should do 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps. 

#3: Hip Flexor Stretches:

One of the things that you may not know is that most people who have flat feet tend to also have tight hip flexors. These limit the range of motion and pull. 

In order to do these exercises for flat feet, you should first sit down on a padded surface. You can use a yoga mat or just a carpet. Then, bring the soles of your feet together in front of you. 

Now, using your hands, push your knees toward the floor gently. Make sure that you keep your back straight and that you hold your position for about 20 seconds. Repeat 5 times. 

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