The Benefits Of Cross Training In The Pool
If you ask an athlete how he is able to be in such good shape all the time, he will most probably tell you that the key to his success is cross training. In addition, most of them will agree that the best activity they do is cross training in the pool. After all, cross training in the pool is a low-impact activity that allows your body to work all your muscles. In addition, it also improves your cardio capacity. So, we can definitely say that cross training in the pool is one of the best cross training activities you can do.

According to Steve Tarpinian, the author of The Essential Swimmer and swim coach, “Swimming allows the body to stretch out and elongate, whereas in other sports, we’re shortening the muscles and collapsing the skeletal system.” So, when you add cross training in the pool with soccer, weight training, cycling, running, or any other sports, you will notice an improvement on your fitness as well as you will be less likely to suffer an injury.
As if this wasn’t enough, cross training in the pool has other benefits as well. The reality is that it can help your recovery since it can not only relieve the stress that you suffered on dry land as well as it can help heal injuries.
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The reality is that there are still many people who see cross training in the pool for wimps. However, we can say that this is not definitely the case. In fact, the water resistance that you will need to deal with allows you to strengthen your legs, back, shoulders, arms, and especially your core.

So, in case you are looking to start cross training in the pool, you need to ensure that you are doing it the right way. So, here are a few tips that will help you with your cross training in the pool:
#1: Decrease The Drag:
In case you are just starting your cross training in the pool, make sure that you don’t struggle with sinking legs, short strokes, and poor rotation. A good tip that we can give you to decrease the drag is to ensure that your body is always well aligned first. Then, you should make sure that you roll your entire body from side to side with every stroke. Then, you just need to elongate each stroke.
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#2: Practice Good Technique:

When you are serious about cross training in the pool, you just can’t throw yourself into the pool to relax. You need to ensure that you are using a good technique so that you can improve your cardio.
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#3: Learn To Breathe Better:

When you are cross training in the pool, breathing plays a crucial role. Besides, a good rotation will also help you breathe better. The truth is that when you are rolling enough to the side, you won’t need to lift your head too much to inhale.