The 5 Most Common HIIT Mistakes
No matter if you are considering starting out your HIIT training or if you have been doing it for some time now, you need to be aware that there are some common mistakes that a lot of people do. No matter if you’re a beginner or an intermediate practitioner, you need to understand these to ensure that you avoid them.

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The 5 Most Common HIIT Mistakes
#1: Training Too Long:
One of the most common HIIT mistakes a lot of people tend to make is that they tend to train for a lot of time. However, and in what concerns to HIIT training, less is more. After all, it is all about intensity.
The truth is that if you train for more than 30 minutes, you won’t see any results. So, you just need to make sure that your HIIT training is intense, not long.
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#2: Training Too Often:

When you listen to most people talking about exercising, it is common that they tell you that you should exercise every day. However, they aren’t referring to HIIT training specifically. The truth is that even though a HIIT training only takes 30 minutes, this doesn’t mean that you should do it every day.
In what concerns HIIT, intensity is key. So, at the end of the 30 minutes, your muscles should be ripped to shreds which means that you need recovery time.
As a rule of thumb, you shouldn’t do HIIT training more than 4 times a week.
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#3: Doing The Wrong Warm-Up:
Another common HIIT mistake that a lot of people keep doing is not doing the right warm-up. Since HIIT involves a huge intensity, it is crucial that you do a good warm-up and don’t go straight to the hard stuff. The main idea to keep in mind is to slow down, warm up, and finish strong.
#4: Getting Your Timings Wrong:

When you are looking to make the most out of your HIIT training, you need to know that there are better times than others to do it. While this depends on your own schedule, we have to say that the best time for HIIT training is in the morning. In fact, the sooner you train, the better.
When you are only available to get your HIIT training in the afternoon after work, you need to understand that you will be mainly targeting the food you eat in your sleep.
In case you have a schedule that allows you to do HIIT training in the morning, make sure that you eat a tiny breakfast 90 minutes beforehand.
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#5: Relying On HIIT For Muscle Growth:

One of the most common HIIT mistakes is that it can serve for muscle growth.
The truth is that if you are looking to get some definition or if you’re trying to burn fat, then HIIT may be good. However, in what concerns to muscle growth, HIIT training is not the best choice.
If you are trying to add mass, then it is better to stick to bigger meals and big lifts.