5 Tips To Get Better At CrossFit
If you have been doing CrossFit for a while and you are looking for ways to improve, you’re in the right place.
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While you may be enjoying your CrossFit training, the reality is that at some point, you will feel that you want to make it even better. So, make sure to keep reading.
5 Tips To Get Better At CrossFit
#1: Scale Your Reps And Not Your ROMS:
One of the things you should do is to scale your reps but not your ROMS.
An example of scaling your ROM or Range of Motion would be doing single unders if you cannot do double unders. Or doing pushups on your knees if you cannot do strict push-ups. However, the truth is that you will never get good at double unders if you substitute single unders.
If you want to get better at CrossFit, do the strict form.
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#2: Work On Strict Movements, Even When You Could Use Kipping Movements:

While this tip is similar to the first one, there is a difference. In this case, when a WOD calls for AMRAP or a move that can be done using kipping, you use the strict form instead.
Let’s say that the WOD calls for AMRAP pull-ups for time, most people would use kipping pull-ups because it is easier to bang out a ton of kipping pull-ups but the same amount of strict pull-ups is much harder. However, if you are looking to get better at CrossFit, then you should stick to strict form movements that build strength, control, and power.
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#3: Include These Three Exercises Into Your Routines:

When you are looking to get better at CrossFit, then you should consider including these 3 exercises in your routine:
- One Arm Dumbbell Row: This movement builds upper back strength that can reduce the risk of injury from all the shoulder to overhead moves in CrossFit.
- Front Rack One-Legged Bulgarian Split Squat: This movement builds strength and flexibility in the hip flexors as well as it also works stabilizing muscles, especially knee and hip stability.
- One Arm Overhead Kettlebell Press: This movement forces you to activate your core and use your shoulder muscles.
#4: Increase Your One Rep Max To Improve Your Metcon Performance:
Many athletes believe that their inability with Metcons is due to a cardiovascular training issue and this is why they tend to run out of air. However, the reality is that the reason is you actually need to build strength on these movements.
The next time you get out of breath performing thrusters during a Metcon, try building your 1 rep max or 3 rep max for thrusters and you will see your performance improve for this move the next time it comes up in a Metcon.
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#5: Perfect Your Squat:

The best way to do a good squat is to film yourself while doing it and then analyze it deeply. You want to ensure that your heels ate in contact with the floor on each squat, that your knees track outwards, that your hips go slightly lower than the levels of your knees, and that your spine is in a neutral and vertical position.