17 Tips For CrossFit Beginners
CrossFit is becoming more and more popular. So, it is natural that this activity starts attracting more and more people.
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In case you are looking to try out CrossFit, then you are going to read the rest of this post. After all, we are sharing with you the best 17 tips for CrossFit beginners.
17 Tips For CrossFit Beginners
#1: You should take it slow at first. While you may be excited, you should take the time to learn the movements, master the mechanics, and only then worry about speed and weight.
#2: There’s no magic number in terms of your visits to the gym. It depends.
#3: More is not always better. The WODS are designed to be the effective minimum dose. Doubling the dosage will not extrapolate the results.

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#4: Make sure that you get a good warm-up before the class starts.
#5: You should always try to stick with the 80/20 rule. And in what concerns poor meals, no more than 2 or 3 per week.
#6: CrossFit is all about the community. So, take the time to look at your training partners and peers to get inspiration.
#7: When you need to scale your workouts, don’t be discouraged. We all have to do it, on some occasion or the other.
#8: Don’t be afraid to ask questions especially when you need clarification. After all, you are paying for the class. Besides, your own health is the most important thing.

#9: CrossFit doesn’t get easier with time but you learn to deal with it and improve. Over time, you will notice that you are getting stronger, becoming more mentally tough, and building a better aerobic capacity. All this with the experience will allow you to know when you can push yourself more and when you need to rest.
#10: Have fun. While we know that sometimes Crossfit classes are always the same thing, just take the time to have fun. In case you can’t, at least at the end of the session, you will feel a sense of accomplishment.
#11: Stop listening to the haters. There is always someone trying to push you down. So, just take their bad energy and transform it into a positive one.
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#12: Keep a journal. One of the things that we believe are quite important for CrossFit beginners is to have your own journal where you can write down the warm-up, the skill, the WOD, and your results. This will greatly accelerate your progress.
#13: Keep listening to your coach all the time. This is very important since there is a reason for you to have one. The reality is that your coach has spent time learning and has a lot of experience.
#14: When a movement is bothering you for some reason, you just need to speak up. There is nothing to be ashamed of. If you are feeling pain, don’t do it at all.

#15: There are many myths about CrossFit. So, if you are wondering if you are going to get big and bulky, let us assure you that you won’t. But you won’t also get too weak or too small.
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#16: When you are considering starting with CrossFit, then you need to ensure that you are maintaining a good, healthy diet. Make sure that most of your meals include meat and vegetables.
#17: In case you have no idea about what CrossFit is, then we explain it to you: it is strength training, it is cardio, and you’re doing them at the same time to be more efficient.