cross training workouts

How To Choose The Best Cross Trainer Workout

One of the reasons why cross training is so popular nowadays is because it allows you to incorporate many different exercises into your workouts. While this may not seem much for a beginner, the reality is that this fact allows you to maintain your workout routines easier and you’ll be extra motivated. Discover how to choose the best cross training shoe for you. But What Is A Cross Trainer Workout? A cross trainer workout will incorporate many different activities into your workouts. This is very important since by working out…

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cross training

What Is Cross Training And Why Should You Try It?

While you probably already heard about cross training, many people still don’t know what is cross training. The truth is that even though this is not a new activity or sports, it has been gathering a lot of fans and it is becoming very popular. What Is Cross Training? Simply put, cross training is a set of different exercises that use many different exercises in order to develop a specific component of fitness. The main point of cross training is to work out as many parts of your body as…

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cross training

8 Elliptical Cross Trainer Benefits [Pro Tips]

There is no question that the elliptical cross trainer is one of the most used machines for fitness. After all, it allows you to tone every single muscle of your body as well as it helps you burn a lot of calories. However, there are a lot more cross trainer benefits that you should know about. Check out the ultimate cross training website. Here are the 8 elliptical cross trainer benefits: #1: It Helps You Tone The Muscles Of Your Arms, Buttocks, Thighs, And Legs: One of the main cross…

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weightlifting shoes reviews

Nike Romaleos 2 Weightlifting Shoes Review

When you are looking for the right shoes for crossfitters, weightlifters, powerlifters, or any serious lifter, the Nike Romaleos 2 Weightlifting Shoes are one of the best ones that you can get. Click to Check Price on Amazon In this second generation, the Nike Romaleos 2 Weightlifting Shoes have evolved quite a bit. The truth is that they have a lot more flexibility now especially in the forefoot which allows you to improve all your dynamic movements. One of the things that you should know is that the Nike Romaleos…

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running shoes for plantar fasciitis

10 Best Running Shoes For Plantar Fasciitis [Men & Women 2018]

One of the injuries that are most commonly found in runners is plantar fasciitis. Simply put, plantar fasciitis involves both pain and inflammation of the plantar fascia. This is the band of tissue that connects your toes to your heel bone and runs across your entire foot. If you’re one of the many people who suffer from plantar fasciitis, you know that is not ever easy to find a good and comfortable shoe for you. However, when you simply like running, it’s only a matter of time to find the…

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cross training shoes

Cross Training Shoes Vs Running Shoes

One of the main questions many people have when they are considering buying new shoes for training is concerned about whether they should go for cross-training shoes or fro running shoes. While they may seem very similar, the truth is that there are a lot of differences between them. So, training shoes vs running shoes – what’s the difference? #1: Running Shoes: While you can wear running shoes for other types of exercises or even as a part of a casual outfit, they are mainly meant for running. The reality…

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athletic shoe brands

10 Best Athletic Shoe Brands [2018 Top List]

More and more people are now taking care of their health and they are doing regular exercise. Either at the gym, outdoors, or simply at home, it’s important that you move along the day. However, when you do exercise, you need to make sure that you wear the right clothes and shoes. After all, you need to remain comfortable. While choosing your sports clothing is usually easier, the same can’t be said about athletic shoes. With so many great brands, you probably don’t even know where to start. So, we…

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What Does WOD Mean In CrossFit?

If you are starting to practice CrossFit, you may have already noticed that they have a lot of acronyms. One of these acronyms that is more often used is WOD. So, what does WOD mean? WOD or Workout Of The Day is a set of activities or modalities that your coach tells you to do on a particular day. The WOD is a very important part of your training. After all, you need to know what activities can help you achieve the results you are looking for as well as…

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crossfit shoes for men

Top 12 Best CrossFit Shoes For Men [2018 Guide]

When you decide to start doing any workout that you like, you need to have the right shoes. After all, you will only be protected from injuries when you are wearing the right gear. In addition, when you take the time to choose the best one, you’ll end up improving your performance as well. While there are many different models of CrossFit shoes for men on the market, they won’t suit you all. And it’s not just a matter of budget. It also depends on the kind of activities that…

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crossfit shoes for women

Top 12 Best CrossFit Shoes For Women [2018 Guide]

Either if you already do CrossFit or if you are about to start, it’s important that you know that the shoes you wear matter. A lot. Just like on any other physical activity, CrossFit has its own specifics and you need to have them into account when you’re going to buy the best CrossFit shoes for women. For example, when you are looking for a running shoe, you need to make sure that it directs your foot from the heel forward. However, when you are looking for a basketball shoe,…

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