How To Choose The Best Weightlifting Shoes?
When you are looking to start exercising and you don’t want to spend a lot of money, one of the best sports that you can choose is weightlifting. After all, you only need to pay for the gym membership. While you can buy some personal equipment such as belts, straps, wraps, among others, this is totally up to you.

Discover all you need to know about cross training.
However, there is another thing that you need to pay attention to – your weightlifting shoes. The truth is that you want to ensure that you are wearing the right weightlifting shoes so that you can not only be safe and prevent injuries but that you can also achieve the best performance.
One of the things that many people do when they are starting weightlifting is that they simply wear their regular running shoes. However, and even though your running shoes are perfect for running, they may not be suited for weightlifting. After all, most running shoes tend to include a gel or air filling to minimize the impact on your joints when you are running. Yet, this feature doesn’t suit weightlifting at all.

The truth is that since the running shoe sole will absorb the impact, you won’t be able to lift so much weight.
When you are looking for the best weightlifting shoes, you also need to take into consideration that they shouldn’t be flat like most running shoes. After all, this kind of design is meant to help you run easier and faster. However, when you are lifting weights instead, you will notice that they will be a lot harder to control and they aren’t usually stable. So, since you will have a harder time achieving the right balance, you may end up injuring yourself.
Good weightlifting shoes need to have a hard sole that just can’t be compressed when they are lying flat on the floor. In addition, and besides providing you with a snug fit, they should also feature a good grip. These characteristics will allow you to improve your balance. This way, you will be able to focus only on weightlifting.
Take a look at the best weightlifting shoes for women.
Should Weightlifting Shoes Include A Raised Heel?

If you take a closer look at Olympic weightlifting shoes, you will see that most of them include a raised heel. So, why should you buy weightlifting shoes with a raised heel as well?
The reality is that when you are wearing weightlifting shoes that include a raised heel, you will be able to maintain your torso more upright even more upright. In addition, it will be easier to hit depth.
Check out our unbiased review of the Nike Romaleos 2 weightlifting shoes.
Can You Do Weightlifting Barefoot?

More and more people keep asking this question. The truth is that this is a personal choice. While if you’re thinking about competing, barefoot weightlifting is not allowed, you can do so when you’re at your regular gym. Many people prefer to lift weights this way since they feel that they are closer to the floor.
In our opinion, we don’t think this is a good idea. The truth is that one of the goals of wearing weightlifting shoes is to ensure that you have a good grip. And when you are barefoot, you may slip and you can hurt yourself.